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The Relaxing Spine Tube User Guide

1. Place the tube on a comfortable carpeted floor and perhaps near some furniture, if you think you might struggle to stand back up. 


2. Sit on one end of the tube so it’s between your buttocks, then slowly unroll your spine along the length of the tube, keeping your knees bent all the time. Place the back of your head on the tube too.

NOTE - If you are straining to get the back of your head onto the tube, put a book, or small pillow, to make up the difference.


3. Lie on the tube for 5-10 minutes, keeping your knees bent and chin tucked in, then allow gravity to do the work. The less you do whilst on the tube the better, although some breathing exercises may help. 

NOTE - If you feel wobbly, widen the gap between your feet and allow your arms to rest beside you on the floor, or rest you elbows on the floor and put your hands on your tummy. 


4. After 5-10 minutes of relaxing on the tube slide off to one side and rest on the comfortable floor with your knees bent for a minute and enjoy the sensation in the spine. You can then repeat the process for 5-10 minutes on the tube once or twice more, if you have time.  


We hope you find the Relaxing Spine Tube helpful and feel your spine regain its length.


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